Irena Sendler and the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize

Courage and nobility. Today those words often perish on our lips. But from 1940 in the Warsaw ghetto, in the midst of the dehumanisation and appalling degradation of hundreds of thousands of people, their meaning was still fresh and invigorating. Words Irena Sendler had, to a supreme degree, the power of making visible.

Irena Sendler circa 1942

Irena Sendler, née Irena Krzyżanowska, was a Polish social worker who helped save thousands of Jewish children’s lives during the Holocaust. It is thought she was personally responsible for saving at least 450. It’s difficult to reconcile such heroism with the commonplace job of social work; but sometimes it’s only through periods of implacable difficulty that we’ll discover our powers. When human will and moral fortitude is adjusted to the scale of emergency. Extreme conditions have a way of evincing both the best and worst of what humanity has to offer. And Irena possessed the courage, the constancy, the enthusiasm, and the emotional energy to find a way of surmounting the will of a nation.

A rabid central European anti-Semitism took political root in the most horrifying of ways in Germany in the 1930s. The Nazis were one of several political parties that took advantage of a period of political and economic instability following the end of the First World War. Once in power, they brought matches and flammable materials to a place only too ready to blaze out into wickedness, exploiting people’s prejudices and fears by presenting Jews and communists as common enemies against whom the German people should unite. These groups, it was said, were an existential threat to the Aryan race. The culture was soon saturated with a grand doomsday narrative, cynically spun to manipulate the minds of the population. Pernicious ideas that were as diffuse as the light that fills up a room.

This met with such perverse success that by 1942, the Final Solution, the Nazi’s secret plan to kill all the Jews of Europe, was in its advanced stages. It was a plan that first deprived Jews of their humanity, marking them out as a people inferior to their Aryan counterparts; then liberty, isolating them from society by forcibly herding them into ethnic ghettos; before it, in millions of cases, deprived them of their lives. A plan that enlisted relatively few active participants, there being many more by-standers, unwilling or unable to help. The Nazis deceived their intended victims as they deceived the rest of society. Many did not believe that the Jews were doomed until it was too late.

One person who did believe was Irena Sendler. She saw the emergency and she helped make all the people around her see it; rekindling the flailing hope and courage in all those who were exhausted by hardship and privation. Passing through like a whirlwind, she purified the moral atmosphere, as a storm purifies the physical atmosphere. Her very presence was a fumigation of evil.

When Germany invaded Poland in the fall of 1939, Irena Sendler was a senior figure in the Warsaw Social Welfare Department. She soon joined the Zegota, the Council for Aid to Jews, organised by the Polish underground resistance. Under the code name “Jolanta”, she headed the children’s division and, obtaining a pass from the Warsaw Epidemic Control Department, she smuggled food, clothing and medicine into the Warsaw ghetto. Efforts initially seemed futile. 450,000 souls had been packed into a small 16-block area and disease was spreading. Up to 5,000 were dying a month.

The Warsaw ghetto

Slowly the ghetto was getting empty as the Germans were starting to transport the Jews to the concentration camps. Irena was desperate. Heading a division of 25, she hatched a plan to try and save the children. Many years later she recalled, “When the war started Poland was drowning in a sea of blood. But most of all, it affected the Jewish nation. And within that nation, it was the children who suffered most. That’s why we needed to give our hearts to them”.

In a race against the clock Irena and her team organised to smuggle out as many children as possible from the ghetto. Not only did they have to get the children out undetected, they had to find non-Jewish families who were prepared to hide them in their homes at great risk to their lives. No small matter for all involved. It’s estimated that 700 Poles were executed as a result of harbouring Jewish children.

A young mother herself, Irena found it tremendously painful trying to convince parents to part with their children. People thought that Treblinka, the next destination for many Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, may have been a relocation settlement, when in fact it was even worse than Auschwitz, containing little more than gas chambers and ovens. Irena and her team tirelessly pressed upon them the urgency of the situation, persuading thousands.

Small children were sedated to keep them from crying, then hidden in sacks, coffins, boxes, or in bags of old clothes, which were donated to convents and orphanages. Other children pretended to be ill so they could be taken out in ambulances. They were also smuggled out through sewers, underground tunnels, and through a secret passageway connecting the old courthouse adjacent to the ghetto. Irena even had her dog trained to bark on command to drown out any noise coming from the fugitives.

Irena buried a list of the hidden children in a jar under an apple tree in a friend’s backyard in order to keep track of their original and new identities. The goal was to reunite the children with their parents, if they survived the war. Sadly, of course, most didn’t. And on the night of October 20th, 1943, it appeared extremely unlikely that Irena would survive the war.

The operation had been compromised. She was arrested by the Gestapo and imprisoned in Warsaw’s infamous Pawiak prison. Irena was subjected to weeks of torture by her captors. Both her feet and legs were broken. Her arms were fractured. But at no point did she betray her confidences – not a single word passed from her lips. No amount of suffering would make her shrink from the course which she believed it to be her duty to engage in.

She was sentenced to death by firing squad. But on the day of her execution a colleague from Zegota managed to bribe one of the guards and Irena was smuggled out in a similar fashion to the many children she had saved. Though the guard listed her as one of the those who had been executed, the Gestapo later discovered the subterfuge. They sent the guard to the Russian front, a punishment considered worse than death, and Irena spent the remainder of the war in hiding. She continued her efforts to rescue Jewish children; but by this time the ghetto had been completely purged.

At the start of the second world war more than a million and a half Jewish children were living in Europe. By the war’s end fewer than 1 in 10 had survived. Irena was head of a network that saved at least 2,500 children from near certain death. The injuries she sustained during captivity were such that she required the use of crutches and a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Today, we are incredulous at how such extreme conditions could have developed in a modern industrial society; but history informs us that large numbers of people across the social milieu will remain unconscious of distortion and manipulation. Typically, those who reside in the upper echelons of societal success or in the lower echelons of intellect will maintain a high moral and self-righteous tone in the face of conflicting information to dominant narratives. One contributing factor is an overwhelming desire to think well of ourselves, our institutions and our leaders. A kind of patriotism, if you will. That we’re all in this together. We see ourselves as righteous, so therefore the corporate state apparatus functions in accordance with the same benign intent, a supposition that is common even if it is a transparent non sequitur.

Even so, one would think that such cruel and iniquitous conditions should have led to popular indignation calculated to bring down the strong arm of the law. Yet for most in Germain occupied territories, fortitude proved too weak for cowardice; sympathy too weak for fear; reason too weak for credulity. It’s to be expected. Cowards, whose fear of death and social ridicule is greater than their self-respect, can generally console themselves with the thought they are doing the right thing even when it is plain that they are not.

But Irena Sendler was different. Instead of an ordinary life of sensation, she lived a deeper life of reflection, which has the effect of unanchoring us from the negative thoughts and opinions of others. Her independence of character and strong powers of thought stirred within her, instilling a predisposition to rebelliousness that is the lot of every proud and passionate nature. This was merely raised to the surface when outward conditions contrasted sharply with her inner moral conviction. Nazi power amounted to such a tyranny that Irena’s conscience insisted she be placed as victim rather than inadvertent inflictor.

She understood that as a moral being, we’re morally powerless if we depart from our own conception of life and character. Indeed, if we are to surrender our own judgement and unthinkingly adopt the standards of the day, we’re no different to a brute animal, which reacts to stimulus instinctively. As such, individual morality is quite superfluous to collective morality. We cease to choose our moral path; we have our path imposed upon us. With the system paving all the broad paths which led to the same destination: an extreme agenda. Irena, however, did not suffer from vertigo, so she went along the narrow path across the cliff edge to see what had hit the rocks below.

As a Pole, her ability to distinguish between the reality of Nazi power and its outward appearance wasn’t especially remarkable; what made her extraordinary was that she possessed the courage to act on it, notwithstanding the consequences. She had the singular vision and tenacity of purpose of someone who was impressed with the truth of what she was doing, and who had no dread of consequences. Thus, she conquered every fear out of necessity. She subdued every weakness by simply understanding that we can do all things if we will.

For decades the enormity of her actions lay hidden from wider public attention. It remained just one of many footnotes in a period of history awash with yarns. But I suppose recognition and acclaim themselves are not impactful, merely an echo of actions which may or may not have been. Irena to her eternal credit saying: “Every child saved with my help is the justification of my existence on this Earth, and not a title to glory”. Her heroism was matched only by her humility.

Still, justice did eventually prevail. Her story was picked up in one of the most unlikely places: a high school in Kansas. The students were so struck with her story they were inspired to write a play based on her life. ‘Life in a Jar’ was such a phenomenal success that it spilled out of Kansas and propelled the now the 90-year-old great-grandmother to national attention. In a hyper-individualistic generation starved of heroism, and one rightly mindful of the historical suppression of female empowerment, it was such that, in the years following the play’s premiere in 1999, Irena Sendler was in high demand. She achieved such fame that a movement began that aimed to put her name forward for the Nobel Peace Prize. And so it came to be that at 97 years young Irena Sendler was nominated for the 2007 addition.

She didn’t win.

The prize instead was shared by Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for their work in raising public awareness to the dangers of rising greenhouse gas emissions. It seems the world is faced with a new great peril; one that poses an existential threat to every living thing on this planet. Evidently, the Nobel panel thought that this “climate emergency” was more current than the astonishing heroism of a Polish woman 65 years previous and thus, more deserving of the accolade.

Winners Al Gore and leader of IPCC, Rajendra K. Pachauri on the balcony of Grand Hotel, Oslo, Norway, on 10 December 2007

Time has been kinder to Mr Gore than it has to the wild predictions he made in his 2006 film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, which led to him being awarded the Peace Prize. They’ve proven spurious, alarmist, fantastical; far removed from the mundane reality of the actual temperature readings post 2006. But present needs have seen to it that a collective amnesia has swept over the world of polite opinion, as if it a were a storm purifying scrutiny, as well as apparently resetting the doomsday clock. Mr Gore and his backers have emerged from this storm quite unscathed. Some of the critics, however, must always be braced for backlash, often facing slurs against which there is little recourse, an inhibiting factor which dissuades many from entering the fray.

Like many high-profile people, Mr Gore, in spite of his proud claims of being carbon neutral, regularly uses private jets. What he really means by “carbon neutral” is that he ‘offsets’ his emissions – compensating for his extensive carbon footprint by donating money to reduce emissions elsewhere. One wonders about the efficacy of ‘carbon offsets’, which can take up to 30 years to take effect, in a world “on the brink of environmental collapse”. But carbon offsets are essentially a rich man’s fancy. Rich being the operative word. Mr Gore’s investment company, Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon offset opportunities, is the largest shareholder of the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). His estimated worth is $325 million. Most of which he’s accrued since leaving party politics and taking on the mantle of international climate change guru.

From such a position, when he speaks of the common good, you should immediately feel a haughtiness and coldness in the air, as if he were an imposing statue made of metal, high above the day-to-day affairs of ordinary people.

The Nobel Peace Prize was steeped in irony in 2007. In fact, it’s steeped in irony every year. Alfred Nobel, the benefactor behind the Prizes which takes his name, made his many millions from his invention of dynamite, the manufacture of war munitions and from his family’s investment in oilfields along the Caspian Sea. At the time of his death, his business, one of the principal suppliers of both sides during the Crimean War, had established more than 90 armaments factories. Mr Nobel was as hypocritical in life as he is in death. Said to be an unassuming pacifist, he bequeathed his entire estate to institute the Nobel Prize, which, according to an impressive bronze plaque I remember seeing at the ‘Nobelmuseet’ in Stockholm, was “for his legacy”.

It is true that in lionizing things – people, groups, institutions – we’ll assume the presence of qualities that are in fact not often to be found in them. Take honesty. It may seem inconceivable that large numbers of people could be involved, say, in a movement ridden with lies. But this a childish misapprehension, which assumes honesty is commensurate with prevalence. Indeed, honesty is one thing and society is another. It’s the same as in farming: the beauty of nature is one thing and the income from fields and crops and animals is something quite different. This also has its truth, as it were, but only insofar as it profits the farm. And clearly if the pigs discovered that their role was to provide bacon it would jeopardize the whole operation. But as we know, it’s easy to dupe animals which are occupied not by what is but by what it appears to be.

Only animals and idiots are totally sincere. Once civilisation has introduced into life the need for duty and responsibility and economic dependence, and once resources are unevenly distributed, for instance, then sincerity is quite out of place. Yet so many of us go on as if sincerity is that ungovernable force that guides human relations, when all the world tells us, if we start to think for ourselves, that it is a governable force subject to necessity and expediency. If everyone was sincere the present system would quickly fall to rack and ruin. Because plainly there is little room for sincerity in a world where a narrow class of individuals hoard almost all the wealth and resources.

The onward march of humans is to rise above the mental level of the generation before them. And the onward march of democracy is one that moves inexorably toward reform of a system of extreme inequality. Because such inequality breeds resentment, which must constantly therefore be co-opted by those with everything to protect. Power and authority has always presented narrow interest to be in the wider interest. It doesn’t take more than a cursory glance at history to establish this basic axiom.

Social organisation depends entirely on the goals of the system and the individual characters of the rulers. A competitive and avaricious system regulated by the winners clearly holds latent dangers. In theory, therefore, one should not yield to the edicts from on high before a thorough examination of their content.

Indeed, surrendering personal judgement is attended with reduced consciousness, and obedience, the partial sleep of thought, amounts to the gradual submergence of our own personality by another, which could indeed be an abusive spouse or an abusive political system. In the latter case, we find that this isn’t the exception but the norm. In fact, it’s the glue in social cohesion. So, for depressingly large numbers of people, authority’s ideas will be their ideas. If it thought Jews were an inferior race and posed an existential threat to the German people, they thought the same. If it believes the world is on the brink of environmental collapse because of carbon emissions, so do they. And how are we to forestall this pending catastrophe? By increased taxation and the further centralisation of resources.

The introduction of every new financial liability, under present conditions, merely serves the cause of entanglement in a system controlled by a wealthy class. The people are entangled in a great chain, and when you introduce new impediments and restrictions you are not cutting through the chain but entangling them still more by addition. New standards increase the number of needs, on top of those that already exist. Control comes closely on the back of needs, and power comes closely on the back of control. We really don’t have to follow that many breadcrumbs to understand who benefits from an increasing financialization of the economy.

Mark Carney has been appointed UN special envoy for climate action and finance and is preparing to step down as governor of the Bank of England in March 2020

We are apparently sitting on the verge of a precipice; but this, immediately, instead of being a call to action, should be a reason for circumspection. The claims of establishment science, detached from accurate, testable predictions, are too closely pressed upon by necessity to be prudent. Its pervasiveness inducing a kind of mania that has turned many a nation wild. In history, without exception, all points of uniform extremity have more than a hint of menace. With perhaps no better example than what took place during Nazi Germany. We should therefore take our lessons from the past and be ever watchful that we are not consumed by the folly with which all ages unfold.

Al Gore is one of a small class of people who’ve not been discouraged from combining the so-called climate emergency with personal pecuniary advancement. Nor is he, for that matter, inhibited by any sense of false modesty. Whereas Irena Sendler was a paradox of great humility in the matter of her accomplishments merged with great ferocity in the matter of her virtue. I would suggest, therefore, that a Nobel Peace Prize means much to the character of the former, and little to the character of the latter.

Moreover, it should be obvious by now that awards – especially prestigious awards – are not awarded for moral qualities or even abilities, but for service to the arbiters. As in journalism, they are explicitly a political job. In fact, it’s the same in all fields that have the capacity for a large audience. The primary purpose is to push cultural orthodoxies. And since most mass media outlets are owned by a handful of mega-corporations, it’s very easy for an elite to saturate the airwaves with a specific message.

Society is set up for us to follow and glorify leaders who’re often least deserving of exaltment, while those who are most deserving can be neglected and sometimes even, chastised. No matter. Truth and goodness always shine. Similarly, though a cloud and shower may pass by, the sun is behind, always existing. In such a dishonest and cruel world, then, where truth and goodness can remain hidden, for morality to have any real meaning, it is this: to live a virtuous life even when you know nobody is watching.

The world is more tolerable for all of us if we’re witness to the kindness in others. It’s infectious. Each kind act can and will multiply exponentially; its lasting effect, which is invariably unseen and unheard, can hardly be tabulated. Take Irena’s case. Her father was a physician who raised her to love and respect all people irrespective of their ethnicity or social status. When she was 7 a typhus epidemic broke out in some of the poorest Warsaw districts. Irena’s father risked his life to treat the afflicted, the only doctor in the area to do so. He was one of many to cruelly succumb to the disease. As he lay dying, Irena later recounted, he told her, “If you see someone drowning, you must jump in and try and save them, even if you don’t know how to swim”.

She didn’t forget.

After his death, the Jewish community in Warsaw, many of whom had been treated by Irena’s father, offered her mother financial assistance. She proudly declined the offer, though one feels that Irena certainly took notice of the gesture.

Again, she didn’t forget.

We can all be delicate and sickly to painful impressions. Children are particularly susceptible. The pictures, ideas and conceptions of character assimilated into the mind of the child, are destined to be reproduced in deeds many years afterwards. What the Jewish children of the ghettos went through can scarcely be imagined. A piece of suffering stamped into their very existence. But Irena was at least an unfading light in the darkness. Not only did she help save their lives, but through her courage and compassion, she had shown them, in the midst of evil, humanity at its very best.

Though the history books haven’t recorded much of her exploits, they were certainly memorable enough for those whose lives she touched.

Irena’s story is one that should make each individual conscious of his or her powers as a complete moral being. That in service to others an otherwise ordinary person can achieve the extraordinary. Changing the world for the better one act of kindness at a time.

Events in history may be closer than we think.

Irena Sendler (1910-2008)

Extinction Rebellion and the Great Climate Change Scam

“The society of experts will control propaganda and education. It will teach loyalty to the world government, and make nationalism high treason. The government, being an oligarchy, will instil submissiveness into the great bulk of the population…It is possible that it may invent ingenious ways of concealing its own power, leaving the forms of democracy intact, and allowing the plutocrats or politicians to imagine that they are cleverly controlling these forms…whatever the outward forms may be, all real power will come to be concentrated in the hands of those who understand the art of scientific manipulation” – Bertrand Russell, The Scientific Outlook

There is a fever sweeping over the western world. True, incurable sickness has been its resting state for decades, but presently symptoms look set to intensify, producing all the sort of horrors that such fevers produce in the minds of rather lost middle-class men and women. The fever, with a rather self-triumphant, apocalyptic trumpet-blast, calls itself “Extinction Rebellion”.

Extinction Rebellion was founded in October 2018 and describes itself as an international “non-violent civil disobedience activist movement”. On its website it calls on governments to declare a “climate and ecological emergency” and to “halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2025”; that “government must create, and be led by the decisions of, a citizens’ assembly on climate and ecological justice”.

Extinction Rebellion achieved notoriety back in April when the group held large demonstrations in London that brought the city to a standstill, leading to 1,100 arrests. The protests planned over these two weeks are their most ambitious yet, with more than 850 events planned across 60 cities worldwide, including London, Dublin, Berlin, Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam, New Delhi, Melbourne, Sydney, Washington DC and New York.

Protests got underway on Sunday 6th October with a vigil in Parliament square, London. The night before many outlets reported that the police had raided Lambeth County Court, a governmental building, which members “were using to store equipment”. 10 arrests were made “for conspiracy to cause public nuisance”.

Prior to the raid the police were gracious enough to call journalists so that they could cover the story….
….and they were even good enough to pose for a photo

These heroes of law and order have long since found an answer to the age-old philosophical problem: if a tree falls down in a forest and no one is around to report it, does it happen? Extinction Rebellion, for their part, said “This escalation of pre-emptive tactics by the Government and police is a sign that we are being heard and acknowledged as a significant movement”.

Since then, however, it seems Extinction Rebellion and the police have been playing a game of pat-a-cake. Protesters have been gluing themselves to buildings and lying in the middle of roads stopping traffic with the police appearing to be watching on impotently – thereby fuelling the anarchy by their tacit consent. It reached peak satire on Thursday when a blind protester was helped on top of a plane by airport staff at London City airport. His action was perhaps not quite as well thought out as it was undeniably brave.

It’s almost as if the Extinction Rebellion London protest map was dreamt up by someone with the stunted intellectual and emotional maturity of a socially anxious 17-year-old who has been binge reading George Orwell’s 1984. Or, at least, it had those in mind

These protests are on the back of “Climate Strike”, which rallied hundreds of thousands in coordinated worldwide protests several weeks ago. Greta Thunberg, who was the 16-year-old face of Climate Strike, was also a key speaker at the Extinction Rebellion protests staged in London in November last year.

As anyone who has ever tried to arrange a protest will know, the mobilisation of mass numbers doesn’t happen spontaneously. It requires substantial financial backing, full-time employees and infrastructure to coordinate a protest with clear objectives, never-mind a synchronized worldwide protest. Here, we have every continent in the world having a ‘rebellious’ climate change protest at the same time. Who is behind this extraordinary feat of planning?

To peruse Extinction Rebellion’s website is rather like being taken on a trip across the rivers of Styx and Acheron by Charon the ferryman of Hades, such are the dire prognostications. At first viewing, its effect is rather persuasive. One is confronted with simple sloganeering, the website being divided up into several short, fierce pages, as if each were proclamations in a French riot. And one imagines that the short, crisp statements of doom, together with eye-catching imagery, is designed to appeal to a mass audience, from children to hipster grandmothers.

There’s an invitation for newcomers to provide an email for the purposes of news, updates and “Rebellion”. I’m sure that it’s the first time in history that co-opted subversives have been asked to provide trackable personal information in a “resistance” movement. There’s also an option to “Donate”, presumably a request to pay the ferryman for safe passage to this otherworld. It seems as if none are more vitally and recklessly otherworldly than environmentalist progressives who do not believe in another world, only a fervent belief in the one which is “facing an unprecedented emergency….. of our own making”.

The founders of Extinction Rebellion have been somewhat reluctant to publicly disclose their identities. At least, their identities haven’t been divulged on their website. Though they emphatically state that they are prepared to serve jail time to save the planet, it seems they’re not quite as prepared to declare who they are. I suppose anonymity is a fundamental characteristic of ‘Rebellion’ after all. But according to this Times article from last year, the co-founders are Gail Bradbrook, Roger Hallam, Ronan McNern, Stuart Basden and Simon Bramwell.

The main leaders appear to be Ms Bradbrook and Mr Hallam, long-time activists who have been involved with various protest groups, including Occupy and Rising Up. If we delve further, we see that Ms Bradbrook is listed as a director of Compassion Revolution Ltd, and Mr Hallam a former director. Compassionate Revolution Ltd is the parent company of Rising Up and seems to have spawned the latest incarnation of revolution, Extinction Rebellion. Interestingly, the other director is listed as one George Barda, whose brother Henry Lloyd Blackmore Barda, is tasked with “upstream risk management” for fossil fuel demon, BP.

It seems that in the past there has been a lack of transparency regarding the funding of some of the companies linked to Extinction Rebellion. Asked about the sources for donations for Rising Up, Ms Bradbrook responded “….some organisations and people that fund activists and prefer some confidentiality, and also through crowdfunding”. A similar screen of secrecy has been imposed for Extinction Rebellion. Major sponsors haven’t been disclosed, and it appears that many of the donations through crowdfunding are anonymous. This lack of openness at the heart of the green movement is rather troubling, considering the extreme message they are promoting.

Dr Gail Bradbrook

Some of the statements made by the ringleaders have been, shall we say, curious. Ms Bradbrook, who has the air of a depressed hairdresser, was granted a captive audience this week by the state broadcaster to repeat Extinction Rebellion’s calls for the UK to move to a zero-carbon emissions economy by 2025. For one thing, to call for zero carbon emissions by 2025 is rather like saying that cutting off King Charles’ head was one of the most elegant of the Cavalier fashions in hairdressing. 6 years to zero carbon emissions is deliberately obtuse. In fact, it’s completely unfeasible unless society collapses, and martial law ensues. But Mr Hallam, another co-founder, apparently came to London “to take down the system”, and has stated that Extinction Rebellion, “will bring [the Government] down and create a democracy fit for purpose and yes, some may die in the process”. Off with his Majesty’s head, it seems.

According to Rising Up’s manifesto, a forerunner of Extinction Rebellion and ostensibly set up and led by the same people, all private businesses must be abolished and it should be “illegal for any enterprise other than the state and local co-operatives to create the nation’s money”. Indeed, the claim that this radical leftist political agenda has anything to do with climate change collapses upon the discovery of this article, “Extinction Rebellion isn’t about the climate”, which was authored by another co-founder, Stuart Basden.

Mr Basden’s writing is awash with all the typical cultural Marxist talking points. In other words, gibberish that’s been keeping our universities busy for many decades. Notions like “white privilege” and “patriarchy” are propounded as fundamental, systemic problems within society. These divisive abstractions, which of course are largely undetectable by empirical analysis, fit in snugly with the rest of the movement’s diatribe, which read like the vain demands of fanatics completely empty of cogent analysis. There are merely repeated calls for the “science” and that we “must listen to the scientists”, without citing the actual science; while making wild claims that, for instance, 6 billion deaths will result from climate change within the next generation or two. A claim loudly discredited by the scientists themselves.

The overall effect is to induce fear and panic, as the overall effect of cultural Marxism is to fracture existing ideas and customs. This fusion is perfectly encapsulated by one of Extinction Rebellion’s core mantra’s: “It’s time to act like this truth is real” – which is almost to say, it doesn’t have to be real. Classic Marxist subversion.

The fact that this is a political and not an environmental movement is also demonstrated by it being focused almost exclusively on the western world, while completely disregarding China, which is by far the world’s worst carbon emissions offender. If the people in the UK, for example, who contribute less than 2% to the total global emissions, lived out of caves starting from tomorrow, it wouldn’t make a scrap of difference to scaling back the most alarmist of the climatologists’ doomsday predictions. This impression is reinforced by Ms Bradbrook herself who at a CogX event in June said: “We have to de-growth the economies of the west and, in fairness, allow the economies of other countries to grow”. The CogX event, which was a “festival of Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology”, was sponsored by HSBC.

The absence of a healthy debate about climate science, and the constant repetition of dogma about the science being settled – which has to be the most unscientific statement one can make, as science is never a consensus, but a moving target open to repudiation – has led to the environment movement being hijacked by the hard left, which seeks to capture and control both local and world economies. Thus, capture and control every person living within them.

Does it not seem rather odd how embedded in the system these revolutionaries are? How well organised. And how very tolerant the authorities have been about their activism, which is ultimately intended to cause food shortages and “once that happens the regime will fall.” Not that this extremism deters the UK’s Energy minister, Claire Perry who recently said that if she was younger, she would have joined the protests herself.

Ms Bradbrook is listed as a former director of Citizens online, and is currently in charge of its programme development, “where she consults with a wide range of clients such as EE and the Cabinet Office”. In her role, she works with a former oil company executive and a director of ExxonMobil, as well as a lord of the realm, who is currently a Member of the House of Lords Communications Select Committee. He seems to be heavily invested in various telecommunications companies and aerospace industries which stand to make billions from the global 5G implementation.

Curious company for a revolutionary to keep. On the one hand, Ms Bradbrook is advocating “resistance” and “rebellion” and, on the other, she plays a part in the core components of the very system she seeks to bring down. Her left hand doesn’t seem to know what the right hand is doing. Or does it?

Both the environment movement’s calls for carbon emissions reduction and the planetary roll-out of 5G – the so-called Internet of Things (IoT), which is the inter-networking of physical devices facilitated by the advances in 5G wireless technology – are core tenets of the UN’s sustainable development, Agenda 21 programme. A non-binding motion signed by 178 countries after the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. As of 2015, it is now termed Agenda 2030, as the aim seems to get it fully implemented by the year 2030.

It seems Extinction Rebellion was hastily inaugurated on October 31st 2018 to ride the wave of publicity generated from the publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) ‘Special Report on Global Warming 1.5C’ (SR15), which was published earlier that month. The SR15 made the alarming prediction that unless carbon emissions were drastically cut the world ‘may’ face apocalypse within 12 years. Which happens to be precisely in-keeping with the date of UN Agenda 21, which was written 30 years ago, and planned decades before.

The SR15 boasts 6,000 scientific references and was penned by 91 authors from 40 countries. Only that, as the IPCC is part of the UN, membership comprises nations, not scientists; the final report being written by diplomats and politicians after recommendations from the scientists, who are themselves cherrypicked by a familiar framework of market forces and mutual interest.

Like all other aspects of society, science is not divorced from the market system. It does not walk on hallowed turf. In fact, this is even truer of scientific research, which is entirely contingent on patronage and benefactions. And even more true of the IPCC, which filters scientific data through a prism of political interest. To emphasise this point, last month 500 scientists penned a letter to the UN Secretary-General declaring that “there is no climate emergency”. Which is to say that the so-called consensus is political, not scientific.

The politics of climatology predates the science. It can be dated back to 1967 to an obscure publication, ‘The Report from Iron Mountain’, which was later picked up by the Club of Rome, an elite society founded in 1968 by David Rockefeller and a string of the most influential and wealthy people in the world. The club published a report in 1972 entitled ‘The Limits of Growth’, which was a Malthusian take on population growth in a world of finite resources, and a thinly disguised version of eugenicist theories that were prominent in the early part of the 20th century, and which achieved infamy during the Third Reich in the 1930s and 40s. Throughout the 70’s, when the science of global cooling was all the rage, the club, in various publications, advocated more population control measures and a progressively increasing gasoline tax to curb excessive global population. But the fear of food shortages as a result of exponential population growth was gradually replaced during the 1980’s by climate change fear-mongering. On page 75 of the club’s 1990 publication, ‘The First Global Revolution’, it states:

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention……The real enemy, then, is humanity itself”

This excerpt appears under the sub-heading, “The common enemy of humanity is man”.

And thus, the fledging science of global warming achieved maturity, with UN’s Agenda 21 being published at the Earth Summit 2 years later. We should add that the UN itself was set up after the conclusion of World War II by much of the same titans of finance and industry, including the Rockefeller family and other banking dynasties, which completely control and dominate the world’s monetary system. Considering the demonising and scaremongering of fossil fuels, it’s ironic that the Rockefeller family owes it’s wealth to Standard Oil, a company which monopolised the oil industry in the 19th and early 20th century, before the family branched out into banking.

{Note: I’m using the Rockefellers to furnish a narrative for the purposes of readability in what is a condensed medium. Although they are extremely powerful and, in this global system, are certainly upper management, they are not necessarily the proverbial kingmakers. It should also be noted that the fabric of power has not changed since humanity first started forming groups, dividing resources and spinning tall tales about the way things are. It has no race. No fixed ideology. No scruples. Its only concern is to remain atop the human tree. And it will do so at any cost and by any means necessary].

“When science is divorced from ethics scientists will use their skills to pursue power not truth” – Blaise Pascal

The science of climate change is one where all the important people benefit, hence its dominance of scientific discipline and widespread promotion through the pyramidical web of global governance, via the political, economic and media spheres. There’s a common misconception that the interests of the trillion-dollar carbon emissions industry and fossil fuels industry are opposed. They are not. The same powerful hand controls both. With those profiting from carbon emissions taxes being the same fossil fuels and banking tycoons who have been bankrolling the “green” movement, as this US Senate report demonstrates.

Al Gore received an Oscar for his 2006 film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ and it led to his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. Time has shown that the claims made in the film were wildly inaccurate

Some of the lead advocates of climate change alarmism, such as Al Gore, and Maurice Strong, considered to be the father of the global warming scare, are and were heavily invested in the carbon trading mechanisms that deal with carbon offsets. Gore’s investment company, Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon offset opportunities, is the largest shareholder of The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). While Strong, before he died, served on the board of directors of CCX. Strong was a leading figure of the Earth Summit in 1992 and the drafting of the UN’s Agenda 21, where the theory of global warming caused by human activity was first emphatically advanced. Strong, like so many others behind this movement, made his billions in the fossil fuels industry.

All the recognisable multinationals have got in the queue for a slice of the carbon tax pie in this emerging economy, from HSBC, JPMorganChase and Citi, in the Blended Finance Taskforce, where “Profits [are] to be had” in “climate-related sectors”; and the guzzling fossil fuel corporate behemoths, the likes of Ford, Toyota, British Airways, BP and Unilever and many others, have all called for these carbon trading systems to be established at the G8 Climate Change Roundtable.

Carbon tax implementation, at a gradual gradient, accomplishes five things: the transition to a new sustainable economy without fossil fuel abundance, to stabilize markets; it provides an ancillary benefit of a pure profit carbon emissions market for the hydrocarbon energy tycoons in the incoming resource squeeze market; it facilitates the largest redistribution of wealth in modern history, with the richest in society benefitting at the expense of everybody else; it facilitates corporate resource extraction and control under the guise of “conservationism”; and finally, and most importantly, it ingeniously uses the environmental movement as a substitute for war to maintain class structure.

The political economy is primarily concerned with the distribution and redistribution of wealth. It is controlled by those who command the system of universal commodity exchange – the banks – and those who command the largest share of the resources and or markets – major industry. In a globalised system, a pyramidical power structure, which humans have always lived in since they emerged from the Garden – or from the primordial slime, whatever your preferred theory – is therefore global. And this shadow global power is concealed by its many bureaucratic, corporate and political faces, for absolute power is only tolerable if it masks a significant part of itself.

Science, from a political standpoint, is being used as a tool. A propagandistic tool. It’s a means to preserve and reinforce existing power structures, and used as a compelling pretext to control resources under the guise of environmental protectionism. Much of the established science is about land management, as you can read here.

Science provides an inscrutable shroud to conceal real objectives. Which is what politics is all about: selling marketable pretexts to a largely credulous populace to validate pre-determined objectives. Furthermore, to subdue an otherwise choleric populace by giving them the illusion of consent. This fusion of politics and science is like oil in water. But it’s effective.

Established power is obsessed with resource extraction and control. It doesn’t care about money. It controls an unlimited supply of money through the practice of fractional reserve banking, and since the end of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, this supply is unbacked by the gold standard, but by the petrodollar; a sure sign where true power lies.

The main objective is to control resources. Namely, geographical and human resources. In the latter case, the principal method of control is debt. The various local and regional agencies and institutions which were set up their owners, and heavily influenced by them, are designed to privatise profits and socialise losses. Take the US’ recent ‘withdrawal’ from the middle-east. It’s been estimated that the US has spent $8 trillion on the interminable warfare in the region. The US national debt stands at over $20 trillion. Hence, profits are privatised and losses, socialised.

Only a very rudimentary understanding of the market system will inform you that, though science is our best method of discerning objective truth from fiction, it’s corruptible. Because humans are involved. I won’t get too embroiled with climatology here, but I will leave you with this before I proceed:

All the current warming data is confined to a record comprising a fraction of the existence of the earth. One obvious problem therefore is that it presumes a baseline. And it takes it from the mid-19th century when records started. I need hardly dwell on how specious this is. We have evidence of fabrication of data, and collusion within the scientific community of adjusting temperature records to exaggerate warming trends. We can glean from the ice records that the world has been warmer than it is today during many periods of history, including the recent history of a few hundred years ago. This is corroborated by botanists and palaeontologists who have found evidence of flora and fauna in northerly regions, which are unable to habitat there in the existing cooler climate. Despite an estimated one third of all anthropogenic forcings (human caused greenhouse gases) in the history of civilisation being produced in the last 20 years, it has produced a statistical 0 degree warming trend. During this time, we’ve seen the label of “global warming” being replaced with the generic “climate change”, which of course is rather fatuous considering the world’s climate is naturally cyclical.

It’s rather curious how temperature aligns with solar activity…

“Some even believe we {the Rockefellers} are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will……If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it” – David Rockefeller, ‘Memoirs’ 2002

Globalism is a world system where the overwhelming majority of the human population are controlled, dominated and exploited by a political, economic and media elite. A major aspect of successful governance is through controlling the cognitive landscape. As such, like all social systems that preceded it, presently, prevailing ideas tend to be the ruling ideas, filtered down the cognitive edifice as a faucet fills up a glass with water. True motives are often concealed, especially when public sentiment may largely be inimical to them.

Take the basic example of war. It is typically uncongenial to the democratic instinct, which is why powerful bodies package the reasons for war in something that will more likely cultivate public support. Such as when a foreign regime is presented as posing a “clear and present danger”, or perhaps “intervention” will be for some noble humanitarian endeavour.

You have a hard tyranny when say, neo conservatives find a persuasive reason to bomb another country to smithereens. The flip side of this is often ‘blowback’ terrorism, and the implementation of a draconian police state at home and abroad. With notions like the Shock Doctrine, forwarded by the estimable Naomi Klein, or the strategy of tension, advanced by NATO, the intention is to bamboozle people without giving them a moment to pause and reflect. You stress them out economically, such as through the iniquitous imposition of austerity, while creating a climate of fear in their communities, and promoting hedonism where they become too distracted, weakened and degraded to question a huge soft tyranny which creeps up on them on the blind side. That being the slow, continuous movement towards the implementation of Agenda 21 by 2030, under the auspices of the UN, as these other things are grabbing the headlines.

In order to execute this grand plan, not only does there need to be pressure from above, as described, but also pressure from below, which are the demonstrations on the street. This creates the illusion of a popular mandate for what has already been planned. It also keeps the urgency of climate action in the news cycle so that the agenda seeps subliminally into the collective unconscious. This is what is called “astroturfing” – fake grassroots movements. In other words, state-controlled opposition.

The people who rage against the system become the instruments of the very system itself. Their energy is galvanised and re-directed to matters of no real consequence or to steer the prevailing narrative. Genuine activism is infiltrated and ideologically subverted from within, and front movements are established, using well-worn templates, to attract dissidents and therefore neutralise their revolutionary potency.

An interlocking web of change agents, which are linked to the UN’s sustainable development programme, and various Think Tanks, set up by huge combinations of transnational capital, link to other Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and organisations for the purposes of psychological programming. Such as the Tavistock Institute or the British Psychological Association or Common Purpose. It’s a kind of advertising, if you will. For example, DEMOS is a think tank that is injecting ideology into our media. One quote from DEMOS, which is linked to British Intelligence: “The new democracy will work with a combination of government open infiltration and citizen groups taking direct action”. Such organisations, which are internationally backed and borderless, but work on a local and regional level, link into state institutions like the metropolitan police. They begin to change local customs by infiltration and a process of ideological subversion.

We recall that co-founders of Extinction Rebellion are rubbing shoulders with executives of the hydrocarbon energy and telecommunications industries. Not that Extinction Rebellion, itself, is important; it’s the template it represents that’s the key. These groups tend to dissolve almost as rapidly as they emerge, like shooting stars across the night sky. It’s almost as though the kaleidoscopic effect of mutating shapes and forms is intended to distract, bewilder and befuddle the general population. Extinction Rebellion was born out of Compassionate Revolution and Rising Up! And Linked to Reclaim the Power and Occupy. Extinction Rebellion is just one of 21 eco-companies which operates out of Stroud, Gloucester.

{Note: The point here is to demonstrate the existence of controlled opposition state infrastructure. And the state infiltration of protest movements. It is not to cast aspersions at the members of Extinction Rebellion. Whether Ms Bradbrook or the other members of this movement are witting or unwitting participants, is immaterial. It is likely that there are knowing ringleaders, but who they are is a superfluous question. And not one I wish to entertain}.

While the police watch on impotently at protestors blocking bridges and roads, denying law abiding citizens access to hospitals, many far-right groups aren’t even allowed to meet. If they did, how long would it be before the police did their job and put them in the back of a van? I suspect the officers themselves want to get on with policing but are being held back by upper management who are taking orders from British intelligence agencies and so on and so forth.

While Extinction Rebellion’s cannon fodder are eventually incurring the wrath of ponderous authorities, and being given criminal records, it appears the leaders themselves have been granted apparent immunity, despite fronting a movement that beseeches people to break the law. Moreover, the media is clamouring to give them recognition and a platform to promote their pernicious and unsubstantiated ideology.

Genuine activism avoids breaking the law or, at least, it does so discreetly. Genuine activism tends to avoid events in public places where there’s facial recognition surveillance on a huge scale. But Extinction Rebellion’s first gathering in November last year was at Parliament Square, London possibly the most surveilled piece of land in the country. That set the stage for the ‘protests’ this year.

Protesters were empowered to only be disempowered

Genuine activists are being induced to break the law under the auspices of the very structure that they are protesting against. They are being used as unknowing pawns on the grand chessboard. They’re therefore being empowered only to be disempowered. Meanwhile, real environmental problems, such as the poisoning of the water table by fracking, and the hearty activists who are doing all of us proud by leading the fight against this alarming practice, are being submerged by this larger, fake movement.

The leaders of Extinction Rebellion are running training camps on civil disobedience. They are making money out of selling “activist courses” to unsuspecting people. When one lifelong protester asked why people needed training, she was told it was “so that everyone knows what to do and can act safely”. Apparently, a “Tranquillity Team” is there to remove anybody who does not follow correct procedures, which seem to be the reinforcement of stupid repetitive mantras and playing dead with blood sprayed over you. If you think that you don’t need training to be an activist, and you just kind of turn up in a peaceful and courteous manner to make your point, you’d be right.

This mirrors the mandatory training that is arising across many organisations. Many people, from students, professors, and people across the workforce alike, have complained about how insulting, demeaning and frankly, totalitarian such training is. Organisations have now taken on the parental responsibility of nurturing adults back to adulthood. In a world of oppressive political correctness people are being taught by repetition, through procedures of rigid standardisation, how to behave in their daily interactions. And any failure to conform to an increasing narrowing of permissible expression is met with social and professional punishment. This is also familiar with the rote learning in modern schooling. It is outcomes-based education. You’re supposed to come out thinking a certain way. If you’re not, something is wrong.

Controlled opposition groups are easily identifiable by their well organised synchronicity; by them being granted a media platform to promote their ideology; by them being universally lauded by the world of politics and celebrity; by the police’s apparent reluctance to do any policing; and by their simple sloganeering, and repetitive, fatuous mantras, where the overall effect seems to inculcate a kind of pseudo-religious environmental zealotry.

In this sort of auto-suggestive, community echo-chamber of repetitive mantras, the solitary, lonely, true, enduring love of Mother Earth enters every thought, and becomes the very substance, or as our forefathers would have said, the “stuff” of life. And the ironical observation is that by being swept up in this culturally engineered whirlwind the protesters are objecting to the very stuff of life itself: carbon.

‘The Red Brigades’, “created by a street performance group from Bristol” – where eco-spirituality meets communism

Much of this agenda is being sold to the public under the rubric of eco-spirituality. We can observe that abstractions are controlled by those who possess them to subjugate those who don’t. Old creeds are slowly being replaced with beliefs which better serve the expediencies of the age. Ms Bradbrook, for example, is a self-confessed pagan spiritualist and a fan of using “psychedelics-aided magical ceremonies” for advancing the movement.

There is nothing remotely spontaneous or grassroots about most collectivist movements. If the movement is initially grassroots, it will either be infiltrated by money or destroyed by the typical mechanisms. Acting through entire networks of proxy organisations like charities, scientific institutions and NGOs, allows corporate behemoths and huge combinations of capital to obscure the fact that governmental policies are being influenced by their interests. Not only are they largely responsible for putting governments into power through legal bribery we call “lobbyism”, but they interact with governments through their proxies.

Mass media, multinationals and NGOs work together to manipulate public sentiment. The interests of powerful organisations are almost always antithetical to the interests of the ordinary person. Because power and powerlessness are always diametrically opposed. Over time, people in power have set up well organised and complex structures that are designed to channel people’s need for meaning and power into a system which they control, like the canals that flow into a much larger body of water. Here, its energy can be confined and exploited, in the same way reservoirs created by dams are designed to suppress floods and provide water for other activities. We therefore see that the more people protest for a common cause, the tighter are the shackles placed upon them, just as a frantic animal seals its fate by blindly twisting and turning in the hunter’s trap.

If we build a rule into our personality where we say that anything we perceive as positive from the perspective of the environment is therefore something that we’re in favour of, we can be easily manipulated, because all that has to happen is that somebody wraps that label around something noxious and we may not detect until too late that it isn’t what we signed up for. What’s more, this sets the stage for our cognitive dissonance to be weaponised against us. Once we’ve protested for something called environmental protectionism and we discover that it wasn’t as it was advertised, we have a predicament, we either have to publicly admit fault that we favoured this in the first place, which is hard to do, or we double down on protesting even further. This effect is certainly enhanced when opinions have become enveloped in a mist of pseudo-religious idealisation.

A lot of people in the past, who simply got involved in a movement because it was labelled in a way that sounded good to them, continued to move in the wrong direction because at the point they began to detect that it wasn’t what it was supposed to be it was too late for them to figure out how to back out. The Russian revolution that led to tens of millions of deaths started out with the best of intentions, at least for the vast majority.

As history has demonstrated, ideologues have always been tools of the oligarchs. During the Russian revolution, from above and below, the public were crushed in a vice of extreme ideological violence, and they were strangled by it. It’s the classic pincer strategy. It’s been used for over a century to take down countries, and the Bolsheviks certainly used it to overthrow the Russian Empire of the tsars. History has a way of repeating itself.

“Without big banks socialism would be impossible” – Vladimir Lenin

There are many different forms of communism. In a nutshell, it is the facilitation of economic equality. The UN’s Agenda 21 is a form of slow boil communism intending to move us into a deindustrialised society, which will be one of rationing, curtailed freedoms and martial law. Considering the coming land grab, most people will likely be corralled in smart cities which, with 5G and its successor, will have full spectrum surveillance and control.

Communism is always bankrolled by breakaway elite factions – or in this case a highly organised and monolithic global power – which enlist the support of the lower classes, and it’s never a grassroots movement – of the people and for the people – as it will portray itself. This is a common misconception. The notion of economic parity is also a common misconception. The most economically unequal societies in history have been those in which central planners have controlled the division of labour and distribution of resources.

Essentially, it weaponises people’s credulity and misplaced idealism and turns it against them. It’s seductive because Marx’s writings – and others – are a brilliant, painstaking deconstruction of the evils of capitalism. The problem, however, is that it doesn’t offer anything more, because it is Godless poison.

It is a world view which promotes group identity over the sanctity and spiritual empowerment of the individual because individual interest is secondary to group interest, and group interest subordinate to the interests of a global takeover. Hence, every individual becomes disposable in the interests of the creation of this socialist ‘utopia’.

The greatest famines of the 20th century were all the result of central planning and land reform. The Holodomor famine that killed 4-8 million Ukrainians was man-made. Indeed, the great Russian writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that 66 million Russians were wiped out as a result of Soviet policies.

“The Earth has cancer and the cancer is man” – Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning point.

Thomas Malthus was an English economist whose ideas influenced Charles Darwin. In his 1798 work, ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population’ he observed: “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man”. He said, “that an increase in a nation’s food production improved the well-being of the populace, but the improvement was temporary because it led to population growth, which in turn restored the original per capita production level”. The inspiration for his work was said to come from his observance of the animal world’s propensity for spikes and dips in population numbers. It’s a pattern that seems indelibly part of the fabric of life. We can even see it in bull and bear financial markets – booms are inexorably followed by busts.

Since the advent of fossil fuels the world has seen a population explosion. Everyone alive today owes their existence to the increased productivity they have enabled. In fact, our whole economy is built around them. They are behind everything, from transport, irrigation, and pharmaceuticals, to materials, heating and construction.

There is a direct 1to1 relationship between wealth and energy; 85% of the world’s energy is generated by fossil fuels. Without them most of the world’s population will return to pre-industrial revolution lifestyles. And we’d live much shorter lives.

Presently, the world’s population is only sustained because of hydrocarbon energy. There are currently no alternatives to bridge the gap, and even if there were, it is so imbedded in our economic system that proposals to reduce emissions by 50% in a short space of time will have irreversible effects on people, in particular, poor people. It will inexorably lead to tens of millions of deaths in the short to medium term. In the long term it will be billions. Because current alternative energy will only support a global population of 1 billion or less. My tentative suggestion is that we should be absolutely certain that the science hasn’t been politicised before we act upon it.

Soberingly, according to the World Health Organisation, which is another branch of the UN, millions of people die every year because of energy poverty, and this has been exacerbated by increases in energy prices caused by carbon tax implementation. The truth is that the great population cull is already underway. And people should know that this is the end result of the protests of privileged, sanctimonious westerners who have ironically been invited to play dead in the middle of the street.

The comforting element of the present climate crisis is that all the prophecies have failed. At least the people who have been repeatedly proved wrong are the people who are quite sure they are right. But the discomforting element is not so much the apparent wickedness of global power; it is the propensity of people subjected to that power to take the world at face value.

The world runs like a machine, and its people are the wheels and axels rotating around the fulcrum of ideas and relationships. Such is the hold of social position on the minds of men and women, commonly held beliefs are difficult if not impossible to displace. For one thing, as Upton Sinclair noted, “it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”. It is also out of fear, for “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” – Niccolo Machiavelli.

Undeniably, exponential population growth is a drain on the world’s reserves of finite resources. With rapidly advancing technology and AI, a few can maintain their luxurious lifestyles without drawing on the labour of the great human population sprawl. But, of course, in this brave new world some people will be less human than others, and the surplus of machines that have hitherto been creating wealth, will be expendable. Simple Malthusian economics.

Gone are the days of nations. We are not necessarily talking of secret clubs, but a global culture of hierarchical networks of mutually beneficial corporate relationships, inevitably determined by the immutable bylaws of trade and finance. This climate change agenda is the cement in the masonry of global population control and reduction.

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The Climate Change Youth

In George Orwell’s seminal dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, children are depicted as being a key tool in the control of civilians by a totalitarian state. In the novel they are ideologically trained by the ruling Party and come to adore its rituals and the processions; they proudly wave banners, preach Party orthodoxy, and fiercely chant slogans and songs, seeing it all as a “glorious game”. Their malleable minds were shaped before drying into cement, the training inculcating a ferocity which was like the gambolling of tiger cubs which will soon grow up into man-eaters”.

Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1948; but, by that point, the ideological targeting of children had long been a staple of population control. Certainly a staple of aggressive political authority. Something that undeniably took place during the Nazi regime in Germany. In his speech at the annual Nazi Party rally in 1935, Hitler declared: “He alone who owns the youth gains the future”.

The Nazis put tremendous effort into indoctrinating children. One of its principal outlets was the Hitler Youth, an organisation which was inaugurated in 1922 (Hitler-Jugend, Bund Deutscher Arbeiterjugend “Hitler Youth, League of German Worker Youth”). The Hitler Youth constituted the single most successful mass movement of the Third Reich. Children were removed from their parents and obliged to participate in National Socialist rituals and drills and military training, leading to doctrinal lessons. The sole purpose of which was to instil children with Nazi beliefs.

In 1939 Hitler Youth was made mandatory, but by the mid-30s it had a monopoly on all youth sports facilities in Germany, effectively locking out non-members. Furthermore, before it was made compulsory, pursuing higher education or getting an apprenticeship was contingent on membership, and parents were regularly coerced into getting their children to enlist in state programs. The children themselves, had they not been members, were asked in school to write essays about “why I’m not a member of Hitler-Jugend”.

When children weren’t in school or at Hitler Youth they were faced with continual Nazi propaganda, from the media and popular culture generally, which centred around the existential threat to the German people from the purported infiltrators and saboteurs, namely the communists and Jews. The news was awash with this grand doomsday narrative, cynically spun to manipulate the minds of young Germans.

As strong as it may sound, the recent ‘Climate Strike’ protests reminded me a little of Hitler Youth in its exploitation and ideological targeting of impressionable children. Climate Strike’s face was “climate activist” Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old girl from Sweden. And its foot soldiers were comprised of millions of truant children across the world who took to the streets with placards and banners to demand that world leaders take swift action to avert an “impending environmental catastrophe”. The numbers of anxious and spirited adolescents were helped, I’m sure, by the fact that the protests were staged on a Friday, with many teachers the world over encouraging their students to skip class.

Naturally, the mass media were falling over themselves to cheerlead for the millions of truant children. They praised them for their moral fortitude in leading the movement to save the planet. But they were of course lying. Like all political movements, Climate Strike was set up by cynical adults, who merely enlisted the support of the youngsters by propounding a message customized for their digestion.

Similarly, in Nazi Germany young Germans were incessantly praised by the media for their contribution towards defending the Fatherland from the invaders. The National Socialist message also had a black-and-white doomsday appeal, only this time it was the existential threat posed to the Aryan race by state enemies, and not the existential threat of the economic system on climate change.

In Nazi Germany, firstly debate was discouraged; then dissenters were silenced; finally, all those opposed to the objectives of National Socialism were imprisoned and transported to the concentration camps in the east. Detractors of official orthodoxy on climate change, on the other hand, are widely given the label “climate denier”, which is suggestive of fruit loopery and conspiracy theories. It’s also redolent, dare I say, of “Holocaust denier”. And Greta Thunberg’s mother, Malena Ernman, even equated the two in her book, ‘Scenes from the Heart’.

The term’s use is clearly designed to suppress debate and shame those with heterodoxical views, or those who just want to probe the matter for themselves. Accordingly, there’s little to no debate about “the science” in mainstream circles, wild claims are merely repeated alongside wild forecasts. In fact, it’s quite remarkable that there’s been so much talk about “the science”, with so little talk about the actual science itself. It’s hardly in keeping with the enlightenment spirit. And more in keeping with a cultish allegiance to authority and dogma.

After the protests, Greta Thunberg was granted an audience at the UN and gave an impassioned speech about the crisis, scolding world leaders about their inaction in tackling what was a “mass extinction” and that “people are dying” and “entire ecosystems are collapsing”. She received an ovation for her moving performance, which was bereft of one single piece of salient data. Greta merely pleading that we should “listen to the scientists”. Which scientists she did not specify; presumably not the 31,000 scientists who have signed a petition declaring the ‘official’ scientific position to be politicised and unscientific.

Greta stated at the beginning of her speech that “she shouldn’t be here” and that she “should be in school on the other side of the ocean”. Precisely, Greta. Since when are world leaders taking their advice from schoolchildren, and why was this one in particular given a world platform to speak on this issue? I tentatively suggest that she was given this platform because what she had to say was exactly what the globalist elite and the UN wanted to hear; more importantly, what they wanted YOU to hear. She also has extremely powerful backers.

“You’re stealing our futures….we will never forgive you” was Greta’s powerful refrain midway through her speech. She spoke about losing her childhood and losing her dreams, like so many children across the world, as a result of the decisions made by older generations. This thread, pitting credulous children against so-called cynical adults, who have “fantasies of eternal economic growth”, I have to say, is most sinister. It has all the hallmarks of Orwell’s dystopian vision, in which a brutal regime was depicted as making every effort to systematically undermine the family unit, while calling its leader “Big Brother”, which was a tacit appeal to the sentiment of family loyalty. Essentially, Orwell vividly described the very effective obtrusion of the regime within the confines of the home.

In Orwell’s work the dictatorship went further and was even able to use children as spies and informants to ensnare parents who were not loyal to the regime. This is how Orwell describes it:

“It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children. And with good reason, for hardly a week passed in which The Times did not carry a paragraph describing how some eavesdropping little sneak — ’child hero’ was the phrase generally used — had overheard some compromising remark and denounced its parents to the Thought Police”

A political attempt to place a wedge between children and adults on this matter is disgraceful and intentionally divisive; and it is an unsettling development. But it was in keeping with Al Gore’s remark in an interview with a Swedish outlet several years ago where he claimed that climate change wasn’t a political issue, but a “moral one”; that we “owe it to the children and their children” to act decisively on this matter. In this 30-minute interview Mr Gore didn’t provide any data that could be independently verified. A recurring theme. The predictions he made in the 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth” have of course proven to be spurious. But the environmentalists continue to make wild claims, only this time they do so with mentally atypical children as their face and not ex-politician hucksters.

Perhaps it could be considered discourteous to raise Greta’s well publicised Asperger’s syndrome and various other conditions, but I think it’s germane. You must be allowed to criticise ideas. When they’re protected from scrutiny by an artificial blanket you have a problem. Commentators have already fallen prey to political correctness. One example is Michael Knowles, a guest on Fox News. He said:

“….the climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science, it would be led by scientists rather than by politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international left”.

On the same segment the other guest, progressivist Christopher Hahn interrupted Knowles, saying “Shame on you…..You’re a grown man and you’re attacking a child. Shame on you”.

Fox News later made a public apology to Greta Thunberg, adding that Mr Knowles won’t be invited on as a guest in the future.

Children with disabilities are – rightly so – immune to criticism, even when they’re advocating radical politics. Sceptics are being forced to tread carefully in what is another clear example of an attempt to shut down debate. Environmentalists are rather like bank robbers who, on their getaway, are using human shields to deter hostile fire. And what better human shield than a mentally atypical child? As for her condition, from what I understand it can bring about an obsessiveness undocked from the marina of perspective. But 16-year-olds lack perspective generally, in my experience. Especially when they’re bereft of credentials, don’t cite data and work themselves up into a frenzy reading somebody else’s words.

I think Michael Knowles was largely correct in his surmise. If there was genuinely an existential crisis a young girl would not be the face of the movement.

If there was genuinely an existential crisis the science would be open to refutation, because that, after all, is what science is. Unfalsifiability is not a strength, it’s a weakness. When current data isn’t provided, and debate is either discouraged or suppressed, the science ceases to be credible; rather, it veers into dogma.

If there was genuinely an existential crisis the campaigning would not be exclusively confined to a western audience but would be focused on China and India who are by far the worst culprits of greenhouse gas emissions.

If there was genuinely an existential crisis which was based on grounded science, proponents would not be seeking to stimulate the audience’s emotions, but the intellect. Because targeting emotions, with the most powerful being fear, is precisely what the PR industry does, ad nauseum, on the back of the astonishing achievements of their pioneers, propagandists like Edward Bernays, Ivy Lee and, dare I say, Joseph Goebbels?

Greta has hitherto been great PR and has proven effective at mobilising a younger audience. Pushing children to the front of a movement makes for great imagery. And pulls at the heart strings. But to target them with rhetoric replete with pathos and deplete of logos, indoctrinating them in schools, which is reinforced by the ubiquity of the message in the media and popular culture, prophesising cultish doomsday scenarios divorced from balanced judgement and transparent certifiable data, and pitting them against adults, while stroking their egos, is redolent of totalitarian regimes which exploited children for political control. And the movement is being fronted by a pigtailed 16-year-old girl from Sweden.