Welcome to my Blog…

“Time’s glory is to calm contending kings,

To unmask falsehood, and bring truth to light”

— William Shakespeare.

I’m increasingly finding myself being sucked into the murky world of politics, where subjects so reliably produce a kind of hysteria it’s like everything is covered in plutonium. It almost seems foolish to add my voice to this largely unedifying din. Do we really need one more hand nurturing a cultural Marxist monster which feeds on division and conflict? I’ve answered that in the positive, or the negative, conditional on the tint of glass each of us sees the world through. I’ve resolved to speak and write openly and respectfully about truth, reason and justice, simply because it seems incumbent on the little people to shoulder that burden, such is the duplicity of the forces above us. Though we can forget about politics and those who wield the sceptre of power, that doesn’t mean power and its agents – some known to us and some not – will forget about us.

13 thoughts on “Welcome to my Blog…

  1. So well written Eddie, an excellent piece, I’ve tweeted a link! I came here from Yankee Wally, will look out for more blogs from you in the future, thank you

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